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Right Brain Psychotherapy Institute

The Right Brain Psychotherapy Institute (RBPI) was created to synthesize recent scientific and clinical data that is generating an ongoing paradigm shift within the field of psychotherapy, from explicit left brain conscious cognition to implicit right brain unconscious emotional and relational functions.

The right brain
is dominant in

Over the last three decades Dr. Allan Schore’s work has been an important catalyst in the “emotional revolution” now occurring across the mental health field and various scientific disciplines.

His work has heralded a new era of psychotherapeutic treatment centered on emotional processes “beneath the words” in both therapist and patient. The adaptive functions of the emotional right brain, the psychobiological substrate of the unconscious mind, describes not only affect and affect regulation within minds and brains, but also the communication and interactive regulation of affects between minds and brains.

More about Right Brain Psychotherapy

A central role of RBPI is to disseminate rapidly growing bodies of new knowledge
about early human development, attachment, brain laterality research, relational trauma, therapeutic reenactments, current research and clinical studies of psychotherapy, and very recent neuroscience in order to provide mental health professionals with more effective evidence-based models of psychological treatment.

Although grounded in interpersonal neurobiology and psychodynamic theory, the clinical application of Schore’s regulation theory allows for a deeper understanding of the fundamental psychobiological change mechanisms of all forms of psychotherapy working with emotion, including short term symptom-reducing and long term growth-promoting individual psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, couples, group, and body psychotherapy.

The Institute offers on-line videos of master classes with Allan Schore. The series begins with in-depth discussions of one of his recent volumes, Right Brain Psychotherapy (Norton). This will be followed by video discussions of clinical and research articles that bear directly on a deeper understanding of the science of the art of psychotherapy.

Learn More About Master Classes